Friday, February 5, 2016

Fed Up (2014) - Summary, Response and Text-based questions

Fed Up (2014) - Summary
The documentary movie "Fed Up" was directed in 2014 by Stephanie Soechtig. The primary topic of this movie is obesity. Obesity is a big problem all over the world and especially in America. The documentary movie is trying to show this problem and how the big food companies are causing it. This movie wants to show the American people how junk food and sugary drinks are causing health problems; for example Type 2 Diabetes on kids used to be called adult onset diabetes. "Fed Up" is showing how dangerous Sugar, Corn syrup and Cheese are.  This movie wants to show and open people's eyes as to how big a problem obesity really is. It shows statistics, facts and researches how unhealthy this food is and how the government and food industries aren't doing anything. It is showed that only money is important for the big food industries and not people's health. Even when they are trying to make the food fat free or reduce the fat they are using extra sugar which is even worse. "Sugar makes you 8 times more addicted than cocaine " according to the movie. Famous people such  as Bill Clinton and Michael Bloomberg are giving testimonials about causes of obesity. Instead of the USDA helping to make more people healthy, they are actually contributing to the problem with what they choose to subsidize.

Fed Up (2014) - Response
After having seen the documentary movie "Fed Up", I have to agree that obesity is a big problem worldwide but especially in America. The statistics, researches and facts where showing that the health problem and obesity is growing. I have to agree with the point that the government is not doing enough and that people should be defended against the big food industries. People should know what is in the food and drinks and sugar should be named as sugar and shouldn't be given hundreds of different names for it. I also believe that the government should control what children are eating at schools. I feel that children should eat only healthy food at schools.  As we should know, the food habits start in young childhood and continue for the rest of our lives. I think that it is very helpful that the movie shows that not all calories are equal to other calories and that our liver works very different when we consume sugar with or without fiber. It should open people's eyes and to be more conscious about what they eat and drink. In my opinion it is wrong that the food companies and the government are prioritizing money first and health second.

Text-based questions
What can we as individuals do to make our government to care more about health and people instead of money?

Is there any way to make the food companies care about people's health?

Can we do anything to make it so that schools only provide healthy food?


  1. It's all about the big bucks, right? So unfortunate..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice work. For this question, Can we do anything to make it so that schools only provide healthy food? In my country when I was in school, all schools were only selling healthy food and fresh juice. They were prohibited from the government, and if the government heard that any school sell candies, chocolate, etc...., they wrote a report to close the school. Now, unfortunately my sister in 9th grade, and her school provides all kinds of unhealthy food, and she's becoming over-weight that leads my dad to strictly control on her by joining her to jam and swimming club after school; and she is finally losing weight which is good :). That what we can do since government think about money not on health.
