Monday, February 8, 2016

Questions for the Research Paper

1) Should public college and university tuition cost the same for international students and U.S. citizens?

2) Should home-schooling be more supported or should every child have the same school educational level?

3) Should parents send their children to public schools or private schools?

4) Should healthcare be free for all American citizen?


  1. Hi Jessica, I think all of your questions are interesting! I especially like number 1! :)

  2. I agree with Kimberly. I think #1 would be good, but remember that you will have to find research on this (articles to present and support your opinion). #3 is too broad. #2 is interesting but would need to be narrowed down to something like "should home schooling be more regulated" be honest I don't know a lot about this topic so I don't know if it already is. #4 is too broad, but could be narrowed down to be more effective.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Anne :) I will incorporate your feedback and also think of other topics that might be more focused.
