Friday, January 8, 2016

Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King’s letter from Birmingham Jail is difficult for me to read because he has an unusual writing style. He uses  vocabulary I don't know yet to express his point of view; for example, words like “secretaries (paragraph 1), cognizant (paragraph 3), interrelatedness (paragraph 4), affluent (paragraph10), disobey (paragraph12), disobedience (paragraph 15)”. His writing was very controversial for the time which makes him an impressive person.  On the one hand he is writing like a politician and is expressing his opinion but on the other hand he is trying to encourage other people to think about his words and act. Martin Luther King’s writing style is on a very high level which shows that he is well educated. This helps get his point across and makes his letter successful.  The way he uses a phrase followed immediately by the opposite phrase is confusing; for example: “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”.
I think that it was a little bit hard for me to understand one of his examples (paragraph 2) because he is giving a citation from the bible of what a prophet said. I feel it's easy to be confused at first why he is writing this and what the connection is between his letter and this example.
He structured the letter in a specific way to engage people to think about his words and to change the racial attacks against negros. His purpose is to show people in that time that not every one in the USA is united. It could be difficult to understand because not everyone has the knowledge of what exactly happened at his time.


What makes his letter successful is his strong belief that he can change  peoples views; especially white peoples opinion . I think that he uses great sentence structure. He points out what other people say, "they say" and is representing the importance of his, "I say" beliefs. The way he writes is very creative. I feel that it is easy to understand his point of view , his goals and who he wants to encourage. Martin Luther King is showing an introduction, examples, facts, middle part and a conclusion in his letter. The letter's tone is polite, strong and respectful. He is using a specific structure in his letter. The most important thing in this letter is that he shows the history of the time in which he lived.
Martin Luther King writes very controversially and originally. His letter makes me feel emotional and to want to share my opinion. It is a wonderful letter which opens many people's eyes and which changed the world at this time. He is describing and combining  people's rights, their beliefs, god and politics together. His letter stands out and is very important for many people.



  1. Since you have just stared to learn English two years ago, your English is good enough to express yourself! That's very important. There is no doubt that Martin's article is made up with strong wills and numbers of words that we don't know! In addition to vocabulary, lacking of back ground knowledge is also a reason that we can't fully understand this letter! I think we should work on it in order to understand what he said.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with the part that we have a small lack of Martin Luther King's background knowledge and therefore we are sometimes unable to fully understand his examples. Although I think I have more knowledge of the time and events when Dr. King lived, I believe a more thorough understanding of him would help us understand his letter better and possibly have more of an impact on us as we read it.

  3. Hi Jessica...I was able to add your blog! Thank you for writing such a thoughtful post. I hope you enjoyed the reading....and I agree with Chris, youe English is excellent for having only studied for 2 years :)

    1. Thank you Anne, that's very nice of you :) Improving my English has been really hard and really rewarding.
